First aid quizzes

A blue question mark. Marc cwestiwn glas.

Click on a first aid skill

Pick one or more first aid skills from the boxes below and click 'Start' to find out what you know!

Select your quiz topics
A person having difficulty breathing
Illustration of blood droplets
A broken bone
A red flame. Fflam goch.
A person choking and holding their throat. Person yn tagu ac yn dal ei wddf.
A person who has hit their head
A red heart. Calon goch.
A person shivering from the cold
A drawing of a person's brain
A bottle with a toxic chemicals symbol. Potel gyda symbol cemegau gwenwynig.
A drawing of a person's brain. Darlun o ymennydd person.
A peanut with a prohibited symbol. Cnau daear gyda symbol gwaharddedig.
A sprained ankle. Ffêr sydd wedi ysigo.
A drawing of a person's brain. Darlun o ymennydd person.
An unresponsive person. Person sy'n ddiymateb.
A person who is unresponsive and not breathing. Person sy'n ddiymateb a ddim yn anadlu.
An unresponsive person who is not breathing. Person sy'n ddiymateb a ddim yn anadlu.

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Share and remember

Share what you’ve learned with others and remember your learning