Calling 999
Learn how to call 999 in an emergency – who to ring and what to tell them.
Learning objectives
- Learn how to safely get help in an emergency, including calling 999
- Learn what a 999 call is like and the kind of questions they will ask
- Practise making a 999 call and giving the correct information to the person on the phone

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What to do if someone needs help in an emergency:

Step 1
Someone is ill or injured and needs help from a doctor quickly.

Step 2
Call 999 and ask for an ambulance.

Step 3
Listen to the person on the phone and answer their questions as best as you can.
Use these resources to help children learn more about how to call 999 in an emergency.
Calling 999 - learn teaching activity
Calling 999 - learn PowerPoint
Calling 999- learn transcript
Use these resources to help children to practise making a 999 call and answer the questions.
Calling 999 - practise teaching activity
Calling 999 - practise roleplay cards
Calling 999 – practise PowerPoint
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