Keeping safe

It’s important to consider our own safety when helping others. Consider a range of factors in keeping safe when someone needs first aid.
Learning objectives
- Learn how to understand and identify factors to think about when helping in a first aid situation
- Practise identifying safety factors and how to avoid danger in a first aid situation

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What might we need to think about in terms of our own safety, when helping someone who needs first aid?
- Write down what safety factors a young person might need to think about in relation to:
- Situational factors (what is happening around them)
- Emotional factors (how the person helping or the person who needs help might be feeling)
- Practical factors (what actions can be taken/ what they can do)

To find out what they did, go to the Unresponsive and not breathing when as AED is available first aid skill page.
With this activity, consider how to keep safe whilst helping others.
Keeping safe – learn activity
Keeping safe – learn PowerPoint
Use this activity to work through an evolving safety scenario and explore how to keep safe when helping,
Keeping safe – practise activity
Keeping safe – practise PowerPoint
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Share and remember
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Secondary guidance and support
This section includes curriculum links, a teacher and educator guide and everything you need to get started.