First aid skills for children
Learn first aid skills
Learn first aid skills by following the characters and their stories. Start with the activities on this page to introduce first aid and then choose from the first aid skills below.
Learning objectives
- Understand what first aid is and why it is important
- Explain some situations where someone might need to do first aid

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Why is first aid important?
Use this activity to help children actively debate why first aid is important.
Why is first aid important? – learn activity
Download Why is first aid important? – learn activity (DOCX)
Why is first aid important? - PowerPoint
Why is first aid important? - agree and disagree wall signs
Download Why is first aid important? - agree and disagree wall signs (PDF)
Giving first aid
Use this activity to help children think about why and when people might need first aid.
Giving first aid – learn activity
Giving first aid – outline of a person worksheet
Download Giving first aid – outline of a person worksheet (PDF)
Giving first aid - PowerPoint
Choose a first aid skill
Here you can learn and practise eight first aid skills
Asthma attack
How to help someone who is having an asthma attack
How to help someone who is bleeding a lot
Broken bone
How to help someone who might have a broken bone
How to help someone who has a burn
How to help someone who is choking
Head injury
How to help someone who has hurt their head
Unresponsive and breathing
How to help someone who won’t wake up and is breathing
Unresponsive and not breathing
How to help someone who won’t wake up and is not breathing
Other sections that might interest you

Asthma attack
Learn how to help someone who is having an asthma attack.

Kindness and coping
Learn about kindness and practise how to cope and keep calm.

Learn and practise how to keep safe when helping others.

Share what you’ve learned with others.
Guidance and support for educators
This section includes curriculum links, an educator guide and everything you need to get started.