Safety and wellbeing

Keeping yourself safe and looking after your wellbeing
When we're helping someone with first aid, it’s also important to keep ourselves safe. This could mean looking out for any dangers, or making sure we feel confident and able to cope with unexpected situations. It could also mean knowing who to go to for help or support and having some skills to cope. Remember, we can always call for help if we need to.
Learning objectives
- Learn to identify emotional and practical ways to help
- Learn and practise how to look after our wellbeing
- Learn and practise how to keep ourselves and others safe

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Practical and emotional first aid
With this activity consider what is needed when helping others by exploring the practical and emotional aspects of first aid. Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the centre to make two columns. Write ‘practical’ at the top of one column, and ‘emotional’ at the top of the other.
Think about how a young person might support someone in a first aid situation. This might be ‘practical’, e.g. putting pressure on a wound, calling 999 etc., or ‘emotional’, e.g. reassuring someone, or comforting them until help arrives, etc. Note your ideas down in the columns.
Now consider if both approaches are necessary for first aid. What can the person helping do to help themselves, emotionally and practically?
Practical and emotional first aid – teaching activity
Download Practical and emotional first aid – teaching activity (DOCX)
Other sections that might interest you

Coping skills
Learn how to cope in a first aid emergency

First aid skills
Learn and practise 17 different first aid skills secondary school students can use to help others.

Helping others
Learn about the bystander effect, what inspires people to help and the qualities of people who act.

Share and remember
Share what you’ve learned with others and remember your learning
Secondary guidance and support
This section includes curriculum links, a teacher and educator guide and everything you need to get started.